Hard fought right to vote should be exercised today.



As we head to the polls in the municipal election today, let us pause to remember those who have made it possible for all members of our society to vote and for women to hold public office.

Women were given the right to vote in Ontario in 1917. Emily Murphy (Emily Gowan Ferguson) was a female rights activist who became the first female magistrate in the country.

She was also one of the Famous Five, who launched the Persons Case.

The 85th anniversary of the Persons Case was recently recognized. The case looked at allowing women to sit in the Canadian Senate.

The Famous Five were a group of women who asked the Supreme Court to decide if the word “persons” in the BNA act included females.

There were:

Henrietta Muir  m.Edwards  b.  1849   d.  1931   = 80 in 1929
Louise Crummy   m. McKinney b.  1868   d.  1931   = 61

Emily        Ferguson m.    Murphy     b.  1868  d.  1933   = 61

Irene         Maryatt   m.    Parlby        b.  1868   d.  1965   =61
Nellie        Mooney  m.    McClung   b.  1873   d.  1951   =56
The man who led the case for them was from Arva, Newton Wesley Rowell.
All the women are recognized with federal heritage series plaques.
The achievement is recognized in Ottawa in the Senate Lobby with a plaque created by the Business and Professional Clubs, seen here:
Will you be voting today?

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